What Happened To Cortnie Helen Creamer-Sutz and Who Is Responsible?

2 years ago

When the, "Conservative Right" (99.9% of whom are total & complete hypocrites) claims to support efforts to stop abuse against children and vulnerable adults, one would wonder how one of the largest donors to Republicans, the GOP and supposed, "conservative causes," that person being Damian Creamer, Founder of Primavera Online High School and CEO of Strongmind, as well as his stepfather, the money man in the 2002 assassination plot against Sheriff Joe Arpaio, is working overtime to escape justice on what you will see in this video. MSM is about to break the story of the ongoing investigation into what happened to Damian's little sister prior to her death on December 19, 2021. This video is shocking and shows how powerful people get away with unimaginable crimes. Much more coming.

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