How to etch the glass by sandblasting? We will use the Lematec sandblaster gun.

2 years ago

How to etch the glass by sandblasting? We will use the Lematec sandblaster gun.

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What is sandblasting glass?
Sandblasting glass means putting some abrasives into a portable sandblaster, using a stencil of your choice to create the image you want on the glass, and then spraying the abrasives on the stencil revealing the picture.

How to sandblast glass?

Step1:Put the abrasives into the reservoir of the sandblasting gun.

Step2: Secure the stencil on the glass.
You should take time to clean the surface in order to make sure its' left clean and dry. After you clean, you also need to mask out the area you do not want to sandblast with some paper and masking tape.

Step3: Sandblast the glass.
Take your sandblaster, and point at your bottle to start blasting away.
The longer you blast on the bottle the deeper the sandblasting will go.

Step4: See the finished product.

Now, that's not so difficult, is it?

â–ºContact us-LEMATEC CO., LTD.
Head Office:
No., 246-1, Chang Ma Road, Chang Hua, Taiwan, R.O.C
TEL:+886-4-762 0038

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