Why US Government Doesn't Stop Bioweapon Injections? Patent rights, financial fraud...

2 years ago

Transverse sinus thrombosis of the brain is now being seen after vaccination; In 30 years of neurosurgery I have only seen 2 or 3 cases.

Dr. Russell Blaylock; These shots have proven to cause blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, lost limbs

2 cardiologists studied all of their vaccinated patients and found that over 80% had sky high D-Dimer tests indicating they had micro emboli/clots

When you have a micro emboli in your brain, your heart, kidney, those organs are going progressively fail over time and you are susceptible to every disease.

The government is stealing tax payers money from the sale of the bioweapon poison. Murdered for profit and financial fraud is the reason why they are covering it up as long as possible.

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