Dave Farina - The Wannabe "Professor" and 2 Time College Drop Out

2 years ago

Here is Dave Farina exposing himself as a wanna-be "Professor".
He admits he made up the title as "tongue-in-cheek."
"It's just a little name".
He dropped out of college twice to pursue failed music opportunities in a band called Simulated Sun.
His youtube audience is full of bots and most all of his "supporters" who post comments on his videos... they seem to have YouTube channels with 0 videos, Less than 10 subscribers and/or were created recently.
The subscribers who do have content on their channels... it seems to be kids uploading videos of themselves playing Fortnite. (That's the level of education of his audience apparently)

He claims that if you don't have a degree in a specific field of study, that someone should not have the right to discuss such advanced topics.... yet he doesn't have a degree in the fields of study he pseudo-skeptically condemns without investigation. then likes to personally attack REAL internationally recognized PhD holding professionals who repeatedly dismantle his immature arguments.

He has a few "debate" videos on his channel.... of which consist of THREE MINUTES of some person introducing their name and a subject... and then Dave saying it aint so.. That's it! Those are his "debates". lol

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