2 years ago

Another Elite secret "Human Sleaves" Or Hybrid Clones. Part mechanical and mostly flesh, these systems are being used to control the masses and to extend the life of the elites. The trickery from the elite is astounding! But even the elite have been duped! Because when an aged elitist does a memory transfer to the Human Sleave and their spirit does not transfer(They think it does oops) Obviously they become avatars for the "Fallen". These "human sleave systems are simular to the crashed pilots at Roswell. They to where part flesh and part machine. Another fact finder is that night vision came from reengineering their eyes. To this day most do not know of this or how far it goes. Look for another taste of the subject in my video " SHEDDING OF SPIKE PROTEIN, INCREASE OF HEART ATTACKS & FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT REVEALED" Also check out the song " When the bullit hits the bone" Quote Help I'm entering the twilight zone being in the madhouse feels like being cloned!Soul is your seat in the physical. Like soul of your shoes. You Spirit sits in your body(soul) or(temple). Your mind(brain) is your cpu to interact with the physical. You can sell your seat to Satan, after that point you be come possessed. Because you now share your seat. This is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Because your soul is the Temple for the Holy Spirit. This is why Child blood is used to print the document. This contract states also In your name that "you stand against the Holy Spirit". This is very real. Just ask Sasha" the diety that possesses Beyonce'.
production date 10/15/2020 for OTT TV Produced by Ott TV Scripture Reality *

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