Unbreakable - Episode 3 Bonus 2 - Weaponized: How Governments Create Biological Weapons

2 years ago

Unbreakable Destined to Thrive Reloaded Series:
Understanding Modern Bioweapons… You’ll get the chance to hear our experts reveal:

Whether the vaccine is a bioweapon secretly being used against the entire planet?
How the venom of snakes and snails are getting into COVID-19 victims - and how the vaxx is NOT what you think it is…
The truth about what’s really happening with modern-day bioweapons and how to protect yourself and your family.
Which vitamins are crucial to healing and protecting your body from the deadly jab and any future invaders.

In Weaponized: How Governments Create Biological Weapons… You’ll discover:

How you can go online and easily buy venom peptides to use a bioweapon without regulations.
How Dr. Tau Braun wrote a letter to the FBI addressing his concern about weaponizing venom and their response.
Why venom specialists are too afraid to speak up about what’s really going on.
How ALL vaccines are carrying cell lines that are actually poisoning our bodies.
What Dr. Judy Mikovits suggests you should use to neutralize poisons and toxins in the body caused by bioweapons, like the COVID vaccine.
Get the whole series here => https://unbreakableseries.com/own/

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