Church Rise-Up | Coming War | Glory Days w/Donna Rigney and Deborah Williams

2 years ago

We are on the brink of a mighty move of God! Have you seen the Coming War? Do you sense it? Are you prepared with your armor on and know where you are called to battle?  It's time for the church to rise-up and BE the church that Jesus died for! WE are the church. YOU are the church, if you walk with the Lord. It is NOT a building. We are in Glory days and the best is yet to come!!!

The LORD is speaking to many prophets of a coming war and warning the Church, His Bride, to be prepared.  Get your armor on, spend time in the Word to know Him, and be prepared to step into your position for such a time as this.  You have a calling and purpose for being here at this time in history! Do you know what that purpose is!?

Today, Deborah Williams from Midnight Cry with Deborah and Donna Rigney from His Heart Ministries joined me together to share what the Lord is showing them for the coming days!

For more information about Donna Rigney go to

For more information about Deborah Williams to to 

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