Gov. DeSantis joins Gov. Abbott in sending migrants to democrat cities

2 years ago

Governor Greg Abbott of Texas has been offering new migrants who've come to the US through the Texas border, the option of being sent via bus to "sanctuary cities" such as Washington, DC, New York, and Chicago. If migrants choose to move to one of these sanctuary cities to live, they are given transportation, shelter, and food supplies until they reach said cities. Upon arrival, the local governments of the sanctuary cities are responsible for settling these migrants into American life, giving them asylum and work, and such; which has shown to be a larger struggle than first assumed---for said sanctuary governments. (The mayors of NYC and Chicago have been consistently pleading for assistance ever since the system began).

However, the migrant bussing system has caught the attention of other state governors, democrats and republicans, across America. In Arizona, Governor Doug Ducey began sending them to D.C. earlier this year. Now, in Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis has come on board, claiming to have sent, "two planes of migrants to Massachusetts this past Wednesday."

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