Sen. Ron Johnson HUMILIATES Sen. Peters (D): 'Do You Want to Retract' Your False Allegations on My Hunter Biden Report 'Was Rooted in Russian Disinformation?'

2 years ago

Sen. Ron Johnson HUMILIATES Sen. Peters (D): 'Do You Want to Retract' Your False Allegations on My Hunter Biden Report 'Was Rooted in Russian Disinformation?'

JOHNSON: “Now that we know that the Hunter Biden laptop is accurate… and my report… was 100 percent accurate… Do you want to retract your false allegation…?”

PETERS: “Uh, no, let’s just focus on what we’re trying to—“

JOHNSON: “… I’m focusing on this because this is exactly the type of harm we can do to our political process when you have these Big Tech companies engaging in political debate, censoring one side of the political spectrum, and amplifying the false allegations of another side.”

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