Why are there so white lines in the sky-A masterful Manufactured Crisis?

2 years ago

We wanted to rebroadcast this one, as we feel it is important to dive further into what is really going on with the weather. We witnessed the lines in the sky being made first hand on way back from BC. It is time that we stop buying into the "Climate Crisis" Narrative and take action to stop these evil megalomaniacs from stealing our property, spiking our energy and fuel costs to unbearable levels and most of all our freedom of mobility and our own vehicular transportation. See you soon.

YouTube- How's it supposed to feel?-Neffex
YouTube-Till I let go-Neffex

May 11, 2022
The Music Bed, LLC ("MB") approves the use of "Rage" (Composition(s) and Master(s)) for Janet Morningstar "The Fisher Files-
Intro" (the "Production") pursuant to your request date May 11, 2022 as follows:
Composition/Master: Rage
Artist(s): Johnny Stimson
Duration: 2:55
Licenses: Individual / YouTube Creator / No Client Work / Up to 250K subscribers /
Territory: Worldwide
Production: The Fisher Files-Intro
Description: YouTube Broadcast/Rumble Broadcast

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