Roman Catholic Church of Satan

2 years ago

This is not an attack on Catholics. There are plenty of Catholics who are saved and whom the Holy Spirit lives inside of. This is a deep dive into pagan roots of the Roman Catholic church. Beginning with the infusion of rituals from the pagan cult of Diana by Constantine’s wife to chanting, incense, pageantry and ancient icons, this was the cancer that later grew to envelope the whole church.

After the Reformation when Martin Luther nailed his treatise to the doors of the church of England, the Jesuits were formed to bring all the dissenters back under the umbrella of Roman Catholic heresy by ANY MEANS POSSIBLE!

They destroyed governments, assassinated at will and used every clandestine undercover ruse with no end to their exploits. From the Obelisk in Saint Peters Square (a phallus symbol) to the very unique logo of boy lovers the FBI have on their special reports to identify pedophile trafficking which is also printed on the Popes robes and hat, their evil debauchery is in plain sight for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Countless interviews of satanic ceremonies by whistleblowers show the volume of evidence is mountainous! Come join us as Carl and Bryan rip off the cover and be warned there is some explicit language! Staggeringly dark!

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