Dan Corner's (Damned Corner) Jesuit Heresy & Failure To Understand Chastening Of God

2 years ago

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Exposing and refuting Dan Corner (“Damned Corner” as I call him) and his Jesuit heresies and how they cause him to be willfully ignorant of the chastening of God upon a sinning Saint (contrary to Titus 3:5; Rom. 3:22-28; Rom. 11:6; Rom. 4:4-5; Rom. 10:4-6; Eph. 2:8-9; 2 Tim. 1:8-9; Phil. 3:9, etc.)

Some useful blog posts refuting and exposing Roman Catholic heresies:

Debunking A Catholic Answers Article Defending Prayers To Dead Saints: https://bit.ly/3JIOAeN
Debunking An Article From Catholic Answers Regarding The Authority Of The Church Over Scripture: https://bit.ly/3JMaIoo
Roman Catholic Heresies On Communion Documented And Refuted: https://bit.ly/35e14fj
Catholic Heresies On Mary Debunked: https://bit.ly/3JNZW11
The Catholic Church Blasphemously Claims Mary Provides Salvation: https://bit.ly/3DKVo9w
The Antichrist Pope Contradicts The Official Teaching Of His Own Church: https://tinyurl.com/5vm88t5a
Catholic Heresy Of Purgatory Undermines The Sacrifice Of Christ: https://tinyurl.com/yckkc4ju
Roman Catholic Heresies On The Gospel Documented & Refuted: https://tinyurl.com/yjd6wb23

#DanCorner #EvangelicalOutreach #CatholicChurch #RomanCatholicChurch #Vatican #Pope #Catholicism #RomanCatholicism #Catholic #RomanCatholic

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TAGS: Dan Corner, Dan Corner Exposed, Dan Corner Refuted, Evangelical Outreach, Dan Corner Heretic, Catholic Church, Roman Catholic Church, Catholicism, Roman Catholicism, Catholic Church Debunked, Roman Catholic Church Debunked, Catholic Church Refuted, Roman Catholic Church Refuted, Catholicism Debunked, Roman Catholicism Debunked, Catholicism Refuted, Roman Catholicism Refuted, Jesuit, Jesuit Order,

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