The Clam Power Animal

2 years ago

I started this website to help folks learn their unique spirit or power animal. The idea of power animals has the potential to inspire a new vision for a better world since it connects us with the source of it all. Today we’ll check out the clam.

Clams have been around for millions of years and live primarily in salt water. There are more than 15,000 species of clams that have a lot in common with mussels, oysters, and scallops. Clams are highly receptive to what’s around them and have photoreceptors to tell when the light above them shifts. They are generally very small but some can grow to be enormous.
Clams are very adaptable and can live in pleasant or harsh environments. Most clams inhabit shallow waters and lie buried beneath the muddy surface in depths up to 2’. Pearls found inside clams take years to form. They begin to develop when an irritant, like a shell fragment, gets stuck inside. The clam’s natural defenses begin to coat it with a fluid until eventually it forms a pearl. The silent clam is very aware of nature’s rhythms and waits patiently until the time is right to make their move. They travel at their own pace as their outer shell protects their inner strength and sensitivity.

Clams are symbols for self-preservation, longevity, healing, and grounding. When you want to safeguard your plans, call on the spirit of the calm. Visit our website to experience your divine nature by discovering your power animal.

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