How To Start Training Your Glutes For Back Pain

3 years ago

How To Start Training Your Glutes For Back Pain

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The gluteal muscles contribute in many ways to the stability and strength of your body in general but also your lower back. Modern living places these muscles in an elongated position for long periods of the day with little opportunity to be worked & stimulated.

This dis-use has consequences for your strength and mobility in general, it has effects on your hip health as well as impacts on lower back integrity.

This is coupled with the fact that the gluteal musculature is innervated (controlled) by the nerves that exit the lower two lumbar segments. L4, L5 junction and L5, S1 junction. Common injuries to these segments would include disc bulges and herniations.

This area of the lower back is the area most frequently injured and gluteal dysfunction is usually a feature. Whether or not gluteal dysfunction predated the lower back injury is the topic for another video, but suffice to say, there usually is a degree of pre-existing insufficiency in the gluteal muscles that at very least, goes alongside the injury to the lower back.

Knowing how important these muscles are to lower back health, and that their function is invariably impacted by lower back injury, we thought it helpful to put together a video with 3 simple to do home exercises that can be scaled both at home and in the gym for maximum benefit.

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0:00 Chapters
0:53 Why The Glutes Are Important For Your Lower Back?
3:40 A Common Mistake You Need To Avoid
6:10 Demonstration Of 3 Exercises
7:00 The Hip Hinge/ Deadlift
9:23 The Squat
11:40 The Hip Thruster

#BackInShape #BackPain #GluteTraining

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