Should I Continue To Exercise Through Lower Back Pain?

2 years ago

Should I Continue To Exercise Through Lower Back Pain?

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Whether or not you should be exercising through your lower back pain depends on a number of variables and it certainly is not a clear cut, yes or no answer. Factors such as the chronicity of the back pain, when the pain comes on, is it actually pain or would other words better describe the reaction or sensation felt and a whole host of other questions arise in response to this.

Generally pain is your body telling you something is going wrong. And if we think about things as such it can actually be quite useful to use "relative pain" during an exercise to help us understand where we might be making errors. Other complicating factors include exercises that don't cause pain at the time but clearly do not make the problem better.

In order to really answer this properly a few steps should be taken first. Primarily you want to understand what causes back pain and accept that something is injured in the region of the lower lumbar spine and these structures fail with movement and or load bearing. This means that in the early days, excess load and excess movement in this region is something to be avoided. Small ambulatory movements like those from walking however can be helpful for the healing process. Contrast this with extreme, end of range movements, like knee hugs which certainly do not help the overall problem.

As early as possible we want to, off weight bearing establish control of the core and begin to strengthen. If you control you spine effectively and it doesn't move during an exercise that is not weight bearing, you are highly unlikely to feel pain. If however you fail to do this, you are likely to feel pain. In this scenario the feeling of pain doesn't mean you avoid exercise, instead it means that you focus on doing the exercise correctly. Something that you are likely to have to work at.

Not exercising in this scenario is not going to change a thing.

It's actually sometimes better to get a reaction, pain wise, as those that don't sometimes fail to address technical inefficiencies as there was no impetus to do so at the time, the consequences of this "weak spot" will often reappear later on in more challenging exercises.

We go into more detail in the video but we will close the article with this. For the majority of patients, if you go the traditional route, you will be prescribed either pain killers or injections or just told to carry on (often without guidance on rehabilitation). You can exercise through the pain because it is through the exercise that you will build yourself up and build the protection necessary to help your low back injury heal. The problem with this approach is primarily in the lack of support in rehab so remember this if you're struggling with pain when doing your low back exercises.

If you're ever unsure, ask us!

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0:00 Chapters
1:10 Use Of Painkillers
4:20 Aggravation of Symptoms During Exercise
8:10 Pain The Next Day
10:33 Aching During Exercise
12:45 Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

#BackInShape #BackPain #ExercisingThroughPain

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