How To Use Lunges For A Strong Lower Back | Safe Lunge Demo

2 years ago

How To Use Lunges For A Strong Lower Back


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Lunges are a great exercise to help you build a strong and health lower back for a variety of reasons. In this video we talk through some tips to help you do them more effectively with less pain and also cover why the lunges are going to help your back health.

The lunge itself provides a challenge to the lower body muscles both on the power front and on the balance and proprioception front.

When you're doing lunges you have to watch your foot control, and knee control which involves proprioception, balance and control of the limb. At the same time, you're having to use the muscles of the thigh and lower leg to generate a good amount of power on account of the fact that this is using one leg to move your whole bodyweight.

In this scenario, we have one side of the body generating the power and feeding into the lower back. The role of your lower back here is to stabilise and integrate nicely with the strong and active muscles of the hip to transfer that force through the trunk effectively.

This exercise, once mastered can then be used with increasing levels of resistance to further improve the competence of this chain.

So many of the activities of life are asymmetrical, on one side, and this is why the lunges are a great addition worth mastering if you're looking to build a strong and healthy lower back. Something we could and should all do!

#BackInShape #Lunges #StrongSpine

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