!Khwa ttu San Heritage Centre | !Khwa ttu Nature Reserve | Museum

2 years ago

The story of the San is one that many people across the world might not know, but it is one that everyone will recognise.

On your way to the West Coast on the R27, you have probably passed this place with an unpronounceable name, and just kept driving but wondered what's up the hill.

!Khwa ttu, pronounced with a click at the beginning, is a thriving tourism destination boasting state of the art museum, a restaurant that sells delicious meals and beverages sourced around the nearby areas, self-catering cottages, guest houses, open air tented camps, thrilling mountain bike trails, a shop selling hand-crafted gifts found nowhere else, and 5 unique guided tours lead by San guides, making sure the heritage is shared in their own way.

So, next time you find yourself in that part of the Western Cape, stop by for a meal, guided tour, or even better, take advantage of their winter specials and spend a night or two.

Read more on my Travel Blog

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