Online Back Pain Rehab Program - How To Fix Your Back Pain From Home

2 years ago

Online Back Pain Rehab Program - How To Fix Your Back Pain From Home


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When you’re looking for the best online back pain rehab program you want to make sure you can check off all of these 6 points to ensure that you’re on the right path with a program for your back pain that will lead you to success.

Video Based Rehab Program
If you’re trying to find the best program to help you with your back rehab the very first thing you should be looking for should be that it is a video based program. That is to say that lessons, exercises and demonstrations should all be delivered in video form.

Gone are the days when a sheet of back rehab exercises will suffice. Nowadays you end up looking on YouTube for those specific exercises anyway. If the advice and guidance is delivered in an outdated format, perhaps the content of the program is outdated too?

Back Pain Education & Exercises In The Program
Any good program will recognise that most cases of back pain are maintained by a variety of daily tasks and poor habits. Even the understanding of what is going on in the lower back is often not there. By correcting these insufficiencies and informing the person doing the program, you get much better results and outcomes.

Exercises naturally must be there, the right exercises at the right time, but ignoring the fact that you might only be doing these exercises for 30 to 60 minutes a day will lead you into trouble. The education helps you work on the other 15-16 waking hours every day – time where for most of us – there is ample room for improvement.

Ignoring this complimentary mix of education and exercises will spell disaster. Even with the best exercises in the world, if you spend the next 15 hours every day with terrible practices you’re going to have the odds stacked against you.

Your Online Program Should Be Progressive
You’ll get no where in your back pain rehab unless a program takes you through a progressive series of exercises. This can be broken down into different sorts of progression, however some simple types would be: harder exercises, more reps & sets, greater range of motion and added resistance.

By employing progression into your back pain rehab, you’ll find that you can gradually instil change in your body, the change necessary to relief your back pain & safeguard your back for the long term.

Adaptations Of Exercises In The Program
Everyone will have challenges with different exercises, in different ways. Therefore, it is important to have options when it comes to the exercises. If we take the example of The Back In Shape Program we have an ever expanding resource library of short videos on variations for exercises as well as other helpful topics for challenges that can often arise on your journey. You can learn more about the program and membership using this link Here.

Coaching You Through Your Back Pain Rehab
You have programs that will be freestanding and are often excellent for simple cases of back pain giving you exercises to crack on with and get the job done. However, for more long standing cases of back pain, or those that have come and gone over the years without real resolution, expert coaching can make all the difference.

A program that has the creators attached to it, to guide you and give you support in this sort of manner is something that sets an online back pain program apart. If we take the example of the Back In Shape Program again. Members can opt for a Basic Membership and follow along with a great program on their own. The Premium Membership however, gives them the ability to get real time support and Q&A from our clinical team every single week on live video, as well as in our Exclusive Facebook members group for daily support!

Share In The Experience, Challenges And Success Of Others!
The final and often, most overlooked aspect that makes a great program is being part of a community. Back pain can often be isolating, especially if it’s something that you’ve been battling for a while. Being part of an awesome community of others that are further along on their journey than you makes all the difference. Seeing others who’ve had similar struggles to you, overcome those challenges can spur you on and help you get the results you need.

Back pain rehab is often a journey with bumps in the road, this is because we cannot take you out of the stresses of everyday life, but we can support you. Knowing that you’re not going through it alone, that you can get your “back in shape” can make all the difference.

For us, the Back In Shape Community on our Facebook Group’s success was something we really did not expect, but it’s something that is so rewarding and fulfilling, seeing the fantastic group of individuals that support each other and motivate each other on a daily basis.

#BackInShape #BackPain

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