An Herbalist Who Cured Cancer & Aids Dies In Prison For It + The Nipsey Hussle Connection.

2 years ago

Dr. Sebi, a holistic healer and herbalist, who discovered a natural cure for AIDS, Cancer, and all sorts of diseases, was also ridiculed, sued, and eventually thrown in prison, where he was allegedly poisoned. He healed hundreds of people, including many celebrities like Michael Jackson, Steven Seagal, Eddie Murphy, John Travolta, and others.

Two of these celebrities – famed rapper Nipsey Hussle and singer Lisa Lopes – were so grateful for the guidance and healing they accomplished thanks to Dr. Sebi that they wanted to express their gratitude by spreading awareness of his healing methods and cures.

Nipsey Hussle announced that he would fund and create an entire documentary dedicated to Dr. Sebi. However, before the documentary was finished, Nipsey Hussle was found dead, shot multiple times. Lisa Lopes was working on a documentary about her life and her spiritual journey, in which Dr. Sebi played a considerable part. But, unfortunately, right after meeting with him, she also mysteriously died in a car accident.

But who was this enigmatic man known as Dr. Sebi? And what was so special about his healing methods and practices that cured so many people?

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