AustraliaOne Party - Australia Updates with Riccardo Bosi & Teymara

2 years ago

14 September 2022

1. Intro and quick catch-up (0:00)
2. Our A1 group, building the Ark and the Law of War (4:11)
3. Passing of the Queen – what happens now? (9:05)
4. Is Australia starting to wake up more? (12:11)
5. US right to bear arms (14:11)
6. The flood, the market crash and ‘Red October’ (17:37)
7. Banks in Australia – cash, silver and super funds (21:11)
8. Teymara standing for government (23:53)
9. Do your research – the Fed, Jekyll Island, the matrix (24:55)
10. Where is Australia at? The A1 philosophy (26:24)
11. 3 critical things - Self-reliance, spread the word, maintain your position of love (29:08)
12. Protecting the children and animals (33:33)
13. SRA and pedophilia – still a major issue (34:06)
14. Military activity in Melbourne (35:07)
15. Should people be evacuating? Security first (38:01)
16. Uluru (40:23)
17. What will happen with upcoming elections? (43:17)
18. Riccardo – Internationally recognised icon for truth and self-empowerment (46:38)
19. Queen no longer protecting King (49:05)
20. Australia’s future global role. A model for the world (50:32)
o The A1 Intention
21. Preparing to look after the children (56:02)
22. Number plate of Queen’s hearse and a wrinkled flag (59:23)
23. Thank you Riccardo and wind up (1:02:05)

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