#606 // BATTLE PLANS - supplement - I TOLD YOU SOOO.

2 years ago

We are not in a battle of flesh and blood - but spiritual soldiers on the celestial battlefield. God has revealed the context and content of not only the enemy's character, but the false pretense of grace and false mercy his minions dispense.
On this day in 1862, Union Scouts found a discarded scrap of paper - left behind by Confederate troops - a scrap of paper which would change the outcome of the war. As Confederate troops maneuvered to meet Union troops it was hoped the Southerners' superior strategies could defeat the North. Upon closer examination of the recovered paper - were written down the battle plans for General Robert E. Lee for the coming battle that would take place near Frederick, Maryland. The discovery set the stage for the Confederate defeat at Antietam the following week - and the eventual destruction of the rebellious confederacy.
One year ago today also, we finished the War of the World series comprised of 100 episodes - and what follows is a summary of that important work. It is also a declaration that we have already won this global contest of Good vs. Evil. And this victory was achieved by Jesus Christ - our Lord of Lords and King of Kings. As we stand on this field of victory - I declare God Is Good and His Mercy and Lovingkindness endure forever and let us put on the Full Armor of God!

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