Google Lookout Review: Android's answer to Apple's Seeing A.I.

2 years ago

In this installment of TEC Talk, Cory from Vision Forward leads you through the major functions of the Lookout A.I. app which uses your Android’s camera to provide real-time information about your environment. Our very own Assistive Technology Specialist will demonstrate this app's major uses including OCR/TTS, object identification, product recognition, currency mode and more!

If that sound like it could help you or someone you know stay tuned and learn all about this exciting technology!

Lookout is perfect for any Android user seeking to improve their cell phone’s visual assistance toolkit. It is an accessible app which is also compatible with alternative physical phones such as the Blindshell Classic 2. But how does it compare to the iPhone’s Seeing A.I. or other options? Stick around because we are going to size up the competition and offer our thoughts on possible alternatives. Find out how Seeing AI, Supersense and Envision A.I. compare to Lookout so that you can make the choice that's right for you.

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