A Look at the Book of Revelation - Week 1

2 years ago

I usually start posting these on Facebook closer to November and end the Year with this study, but I felt impressed to start them earlier this year. I'm new to rumble and wanted to start out with this series considering the time we are in. This is a rich in-depth study by Sister Billye Brim and Gloria Copeland called, "A Look at the Book of Revelation." I love studying about the End Times and I believe with all that's in me, we are just moments away from the return of the Lord Jesus. You don't have to agree and I'm certainly not going to argue points with you if you don't, but if you are willing to learn, get your Bible out, get some coffee or tea, get your notebook... this WILL edify you and encourage you. These are five lessons wrapped into one video which makes it about 2 hours long, but WELL worth your time, you wont regret it. As usual, I will be posting the next segment the following week. 8 Weeks in all! What a study, you will be blessed!

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