2 years ago

Informative and educative conversation with Anna von Reitz, Fiduciary for The United States of America, Unincorporated, and Teri Kealoha Sahm, Washington State Co-ordinator for the Washington Assembly on a number of subjects of pressing import and historic significance such as the nature of the 160-year-long fraud by incorporation, concealment, engineered bankruptcies and securitization which has deprived all Americans, and everyone worldwide, of their natural and God-given rights under color of law, the status currently in the nation of the four pillars (in each state) of the American States Assembly which Anna von Reitz and her team have initiated the setting up of: the general assembly, the jural assembly, the militia assembly, and the business assembly, the background and context to the setting up of these assemblies which include the terms of the Northwest Ordinance of 1767 and the conversion of the Western territories to states by People in each state standing up to declare, record, and publish their status as birthright Americans, thereby bringing their State Assembly forward; and the fact that the current situation of rampant criminality, multi-valent abuse of Americans, removal of rights, and medical tyranny owes its existence to the corruption endemic in the British Territorial Government and the Municipal Government right down to the fact that all govt depts operate in fraud, with two actual corporations set up for each US agency, one operant in the public, one in the private.

At base of the mega constructive fraud run by the pirates is the removal of rights they have engineered
by fraudulently incorporating the given names of all born into strawmen/all-cap-name-corporations registered to the pirate Crown corporation run by the British Empire and Pope, setting up trusts, converting people from creditors to debtors, and pledging their life and labor as collateral without their knowledge or consent.

The current status, Teri reports is that all 50 states of the true American government – the original Union of States from the time of the Founding Fathers, which was falsely disappeared into oblivion in 1861 when the USA was incorporated in Lincoln's time – are currently “in session,” have their general assemblies up and running, and are building their jural assemblies and courts, while also working toward establishing their business assemblies or state of state organizations which would be the service sector managing roads and forests, buildings and waterways. Teri reports several courses and compendia of information available at the state assembly websites and at the Washington State assembly media centers where people can learn more especially about Universal Self Governance -- the next step once you restore your status as an American state national and seek to operate as a responsible American, information to help support you in your path forward to keep the peace and uphold the public law. Indeed, Teri notes, American state nationals are enjoined to uphold the public law by reporting crimes—even to the current stonewalling and protectionist structure of federal, state, county, and city governments—in order not to be considered a party to them.

The hope is to have all four pillars of the assemblies up and running by this December, 2022, she reports, reiterating that this is the only lawful government of the USA in existence.

Teri also describes a path forward which involves working with the existing British and Roman governments rather than at loggerheads with them, although it appears that as the state assemblies grow and more and more Americans recognize what has happened and take the steps to declare themselves as state nationals, and as the state of states organizations are facilitated, it is inevitable that the management of all belonging to the state (that is, to the land and soil jurisdiction) such as the roads and waterways, land and buildings will revert to the state assemblies eventually.

Currently, notes Anna, the BLM is no longer in charge of the Western states; they may still exist but they are not in charge; if anything they can only operate in a custodial capacity for the state assemblies and not anymore for the British territorial government nor the Roman Municipal government.

Teri also offers an update of her own case where she is suing various parties including sheriffs for the unlawful kidnapping, foreclosure, auctioning, defamation, and libel she recently suffered at their hands, described in Newsbreak 152.

The American States Assemblies site with all of Anna von Reitz's information:

The 50 States Site (portal to each state's website):

Anna's Monday night webinars and other podcasts at the States United Nationals Youtube site:

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