Bases 45 Irish Contactees Part 1

2 years ago

Katherina Kavungu, German therapist and life coach, came from her base in Dublin, to give her account of many issues, and cases he has dealt with, involving alien abduction and the involvement of negative implants and mind control issues, she deals with in Ireland.
She was to arrange for a number of experiencers and contactees to be interviewed, in my trip to Ireland in the late summer 2016(approx), which followed some weeks later, during which time an attempt to assassinate Miles Johnston occurred, using poison on the Aer Lingus flight(At Dublin Airport). Two agents (old ladies, and a young man) arranged for Miles to handle a small case, which had been dosed with poisons, which contaminated via the hands 36 hrs later. This was part of the post Max Spiers assassination, in Warsaw, in July 2016, which followed for a number of years..

Katherina also deals with very negative implant issues, and is very successful in her practice in Ireland.

Reloaded in Sept 2022 (Some date details may be inaccurate)
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