Did this Card Game Predict TRUMP & COVID? (Full Video)

2 years ago

The Illuminati: New World Order (INWO) card game from Steve Jackson released in 1994. Punters have speculated many predictions that have come to pass and some that are yet to play out seen within this pack. Here are some interesting cards found within the card pack and its supposed predictions.

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White House Fence (post January 6)

Donald Trump


LGBTQ Rights

Global Warming/Climate Change

Washington DC protests

The Rise and Vilification of Conspiracy Theorists

Critical Race Theory Debate

BLM and Lockdown Protests

Occupy Wallstreet

Gun Ban Debate

B.P Oil Spill

Anonymous / Wiki Leaks

Ratlines (WWII)

Holy Millions!

Mysterious Cattle Mutilation Phenomena

Quasi Government Agents (MIB)

NSA Surveillance


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