Trying Whale Meat for the 1st Time! Whale Meat Sashimi

2 years ago

Whaling is controversial and often associated with Japan. However, the practice exists with large numbers of whales taken by Iceland and Norway. In addition, a small number of whales are harvested by South Korea as bycatch. A number of nations also have aboriginal hunting of whales. This particular whale meat came from Iceland.

I found whale meat sashimi for sale at a local grocery store where I live in Japan. After WWII whaling and whale meat was encouraged to provide protein to the Japanese diet. At one point whales provided much of the protein in Japanese diets. Some of my older colleagues remember whales being cheap meat they ate as a kid.

Consumption of whale meat has drastically fallen in Japan and it does not make its way onto the school lunch menu as much anymore. Like many things international pressure backfired and has created a population that consumes little whale meat but does support and wants to protect the practice of whaling.

I can see how some people find whales similar to beef. I felt it was similar to very fatty beef or less gamey camel.

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