Telford Inquiry

2 years ago

This is the official Summary of the long awaited Grooming Gang Inquiry.
What is known of this barbaric medieval rape of girls on an industrial scale is sadly only the tip of the iceberg into what has and is still going on in every City, and Town here in the UK is covered in this report.
Whilst we here at the Scuttlebutt will agree other lowlife men and women of other religious and race do offend against a persons dignity and body this particular hideous crime is mostly carried out by one particular section of our community.
We would urge people who watch this video to not cast hatred upon a whole community for the action of a few scumbags.
While initially the suffering of these girls lays at the hands of those that raped, tortured and pimped these girls we also have to share the blame onto all officials who turned a blind eye for over 30yrs.
Politicians, Crown Prosecution, Police, Social services, Council's, Doctors and many more must also shame the disgust we have for all who allowed this suffering to continue.

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