The Dr. Ardis Show - Dr. Rashid Buttar

2 years ago

Published August 21, 2022

Dr. Rashid Buttar, DO is an internationally recognized Physician, Scientist, Author and Lecturer. In this episode, the amazing Dr. Buttar gives important updates on the Advanced Medical Conference 2022 and God's hand in how it came about. We are hearing that the problem is Covid and the solution is the vaccine. This is wrong! The problem is the Covid vaccine and the solution is getting rid of ignorance and replacing it with knowledge. This medical conference is geared to give people the solution. You will have access to 3 days of amazing lectures that will take you from being fearful to empowered with solutions. "They fear your power! When you have knowledge you become empowered and when you are empowered nobody can victimize you!" - Dr. Rashid Buttar


The philosophy that guides Advanced is based on the philosophy and treatment protocols of Dr. Rashid A. Buttar. This philosophy is based on the premise that all disease begins with the 7 Toxicities, all of which increase oxidative stress and result in pathology (or disease). The key to this philosophy is that if you can “effectively” (effectively being the key operative word) detoxify the body by reducing or eliminating all 7 of these toxicities, chronic disease such as heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, etc, by definition can NOT exist.

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