Larry Silverstein | 9/11

2 years ago

Larry Silverstein | 9/11
Silverstein made the call to pull Building 7 who 'coincidentally' enough, also purchased insurance policies for 'terrorist attacks' weeks prior to the 9/11 inside job.

In this video 'Lucky' Larry gets called out by the only journalist in the room asking the questions that should be asked and gets escorted and told to leave... because of course.

9/11 was a joint operation between Mossad and Zionist controlled US. But they were simply following instructions from their handlers as well. All wars are manufactured by the ruling class to feed the World Bank/IMF so that they can further centralize power and control to bring about the beast system.

Bill Cooper said it best:

"It's these men who belong to the ancient mystery schools who meet in secret and decide the fate of the world. And they belong to all different races and all different nationalities and all different religions to the public's point of view, but in secret it's a different story."

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