There is no transmission from vaccinated persons. It is irradiation (La Quinta Columna:)

2 years ago

Source: 🇬🇧🇺🇸 #English - There is no transmission from vaccinated persons. It is irradiation.

Collaborate with La Quinta Columna: Collaborate with The Fifth Column. From La Quinta Columna, we want to ask for the collaboration of all the people who wish to fight for the truth and put a stop to this dystopian situation that we have been experiencing since 2019, in the era of what they have called the "new normality".
Our work focuses on the research and development of civil actions to fight against this situation that we have unfortunately had to live.
We work tirelessly, day by day, to collect information, carry out studies and develop initiatives to put a stop to this madness that tries to make us live until we reach what they call the "fourth industrial revolution". The transhumanist era, the era of the 2030 agenda, the era of abnormality.
We created a program, practically daily, lasting 4 hours and broadcast on Twitch, informing society of the reality that is happening, dedicating ourselves fully to it and to field research of what they have called vaccines.

For this reason, since we have no other means of financial support and can dedicate ourselves fully to this work, the work that all human beings who are aware of the situation want to stop, we request your help from La Quinta Columna, so that through your donations or subscriptions we can continue developing our activity tirelessly as before.

Thank you all very much for your collaboration.

"We are all The Fifth Column."

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