Press TV news headlines Tuesday, 13 September 2022 5:36 PM

2 years ago

Iran rejects IAEA claim

Iran has rejected the IAEA chief claim of the gap in the agency’s knowledge about the country’s nuclear program. The spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran says Rafael Grossi’s claims of a monitoring vacuum have no legal ground. Behrouz Kamalvandi said, Grossi was referring to the issue that is related to the 2015 deal and has been documented in the accord, known as the JCPOA. He underlined that Iran would fulfill those commitments only if the deal is restored; sanctions are removed and other parties return to their obligations under the deal. Kamalvandi added, Iran has already provided the IAEA with information and response about three undeclared sites and even held talks to clarify any ambiguity. He urged the agency not to base its judgment on documents fabricated by the Israeli regime. The Iranian spokesman noted that such approach is in contrast with impartiality or professionalism. Kamalvandi was reacting to Grossi’s statement to the IAEA Board of Governors.

Russia-Ukraine war

Russia says its forces have launched massive strikes on all front lines in Ukraine. That after Kiev said its military had made huge gains in its counter-offensive in the country’s southern and eastern regions. The Russian defense ministry says its forces have carried out high-precision strikes on Ukrainian positions in the east. On the other side, Kiev says it aims to liberate all of its territories after retaking dozens of towns from Russian forces. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has called on the West to speed up weapons deliveries to back up its counter-offensive. Meanwhile, Moscow accused the Ukrainian army of abusing and torturing civilians in the territories it has recaptured. The Kremlin spokesman said that there is still no discussion on a nationwide mobilization to bolster the operation in Ukraine following some recent setbacks.

Scotland anti-monarchy protests

The Scottish people once again take to the streets of Edinburgh as calls grow for an end to the British monarchy following the death of Queen Elizabeth the second. The protesters slam police for cracking down on previous anti-monarchy demonstrations. The protesters said they have a fundamental right to express their anti-monarchy views. They also called the police crackdown disturbing and in violation of their rights to freedom of expression. Tuesday’s protest followed the arrest of several anti-monarchy protesters while British Royals were attending ceremonies to mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth, including in Edinburgh.

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