2 years ago

They keep telling us that taking your rights and resources from you will be worth it if it JuSt sAvEs OnE PerSoN. People need to realize that the machine is not built to save you or protect you from everything. It was originally established to PRESERVE your rights.

People are so clueless to history that they can't even recognize how good they have it. They see a problem and beg for a savior, only to be sold a dream and delivered a nightmare.

If they really cared about you, they'd subsidize the biggest problems, not the financially beneficial ones. The structure is setup only to seek growth in power and increases in cash flow. Your health and your ability to prosper independently are not as easily monetized and you won't be as easily manipulated.

If you can stay weak, controlled and bamboozled repetitively without recourse, no incentive to save you exists. The only objective is to keep you sold on the lie, paying your bills, outputting cash and slowly relinquishing your rights until there is no turning back.

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