Proper Role of Government

3 years ago

This was some time in 2017 or 2018. I still believe the proper role of government is only to secure individual rights to life, liberty, and property and anything more is usurpation and oppression. I still encourage people to believe and follow God according to your conscience and participate in the political process to keep government within it's just bounds. I add that when there is no immediate remedy by appealing to the law, we are justified in defending our rights by any necessary means. The situation has gotten worse and worse and there is a desperate need for neighbors to unite to defend each other's rights against government overreach. It is not hateful or contentious to defend against rights violations. It is our right and duty. If you can know that your neighbor is being abused, the Christlike things is to do what you can to defend him or her no matter whether the abuser has a badge and uniform and a massive powerful gang behind them. Do what is right let the consequence follow. If we don't stand together now, we will be enslaved and destroyed! Communism is of the devil. Freedom is of God. We must remember God and keep his commandments willingly to enjoy the blessings of liberty.

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