Sticker Shock! Part 2: PCSB Meeting Public Comments Sept. 12th, 2022, 6:00 pm.

2 years ago

STICKER SHOCK: Pasco County School Board Meeting on Sept. 12th, 2022 Part 2

Public Comments from Pasco Co. Citizens

This meeting was extremely long! This highlight roll shows the responses from students and community members as they speak out against the removal of the school board safe space stickers in accordance with the Parental Bill of Rights.

The Parental Bill of Rights restricts the use of sexual, religious, or gender ideologies before third grade. For example, not having pornographic books in school libraries and not using pronouns to describe teachers or students in school. It also talks about not teaching CRT.

Speakers in Order of Appearance:

0:19 Jamie Rindsburg - a 24 yr old former Pasco Student who identifies as a male, talks about bullying in the bathroom in school.

03:24 Pat Rogers - working on getting sidewalks and crossing guards for elementary schools in her neighborhood.

04:33 Frank Roder - a former teacher and GLSN representative, is opposed to the sticker removal.

07:34 Sherry Butler - Brings in the word of God and is rudely interrupted by participants calling it "hate speech."

10:31 William Shelton - Senior in the Pasco School District speaks out against the sticker removal.

11:28 Galbo Kemblo - A senior at LOL High School speak against sticker removal.

13:16 - Raquelle Rivera - a retired science teacher, speaks in favor of LGBTQ rights.

13:48 Chelsi Stahr - Hates the division. She speaks to the issues of bullying in schools, the problem with teen suicide, possible legislation, and inappropriate books.

16:54 Jessica Schaffer - a trans-woman talking about how damaging the removal of the safe space stickers can be for trans youth.

19:58 Alycia Anderson - Mother of a bullied LGBTQ kid, confronts the board with these facts and reminds them they have done NOTHING to reach out and help - all they do is ignore.

23:05 Kayden Anderson - A student that was wrongly accused of being a school shooter and was then expelled and failed the ninth grade asked the board once again when will they start caring about kids and not just money.

24:47 Zena Caretta - a Pasco High School Student, is speaking against the removal of the safe space stickers.

26:37 John Wright - Pasco High School Student at LOL speaking out about safe space stickers.

28:10 Tory Tiffany - Thanks to the board for following the law and removing the stickers.

30:16 Kimberly Cox - BLM member and local activist, blames the sticker removal on all the terrible rich, white, closed-minded Christians that hate all gay people, like the people in the audience.

32:07 Shannon Huber - a former school nurse, talks about how the removal of the stickers will likely lead to suicide for many youths in Pasco.

34:34 Sydney Crenshaw - A student at LOL High School speaks out against the sticker removal.

36:41 Cathy Julian - addresses bullying she has received via social media from James Washington's campaign team. She also asks why the hazing incident at Sunlake was swept under the rug while the coach involved was fired.

Alicia Zelay - accuses Ray Gadd of Bullying. She chides the board for the sticker removal and tells them they need to do better.

This was the end. The board members extended comments so everyone could speak. It was a very long day for them.

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