Right-Wing Pundit Says Concern Over Fascism Is 'Leftist Hypocrisy’

2 years ago

Glenn Greenwald joins Fox News’s Tucker Carlson to talk about why he thinks President Joe Biden laid the groundwork to attack political opponents before being sworn into office, using January 6th as an example. The Majority Report crew discusses comments made by Greenwald regarding the Right being skeptical of government agencies and how it was formerly the Left, calling the left hypocrites. The crew talks about how the Left has always been skeptical of the FBI and CIA.

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We have one genuine revolutionary threat, it is a fascistic one, and you know if you support fascistic revolutionary impulses, one of the things you do that I think you can find in every one of these situations where fascists have taken over, that one of their techniques is to claim that everyone else is a fascist. I give you TUcker Carlson and Greenwald from last night's Tucker Carlson program... Pause it for one second. The chyron says "Biden crackdown on his opponents, just two months from midterms," now I guess presumably, are they talking about the DOJ investigating the stolen documents that Donald Trump refuses to give back after months and months of begging...

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