你应该相信现代的先知及其预言吗?( WarningThePeople)Should You Trust Modern Day Prophets and Prophecies?

2 years ago

English Transcript Below

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/nwETrsVqTU4

2022年9月13日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/warningthepeople

2022年9月13日 WarningThePeople

经上说,不要藐视先知的讲论。(帖前5:20-21)我们需要把一切交给主。 但上帝是活着的,他知道怎样向你和我以及向任何听他话的人证实他的话。 我曾与上帝有过一些超自然的、不可思议的相遇,他向我启示他的一些话后,会藉先知会再次对我说出这些话来向我证实。 当这些事情发生时,我非常兴奋,我非常感谢我所追随的上帝,因为他是揭开奥秘的上帝。 但他不会以一种难以捉摸的方式说话,以至于我们不能确定那是他在说话,或以一种让我们误会是假先知的方式说话。(真实的上帝知道如何向你确认他的话)。但由于很多人没有亲耳听到上帝的声音,他们无法区分假先知和真先知。 这就是为什么当网上的先知们说这样那样的事情要发生时,他们认为这可能会实现。 他们相信世界末日会在某某日期发生,或者被提会在某某时间发生,或者总统会在某某日期当选......而当这些事情没有照先知所说的那样发生时,每个人都显得非常愚蠢。 如果你不想被这些新出现的虚假预言所欺骗,你需要定睛在耶稣身上,确保你自己听到的是上帝的道!上帝的道是活着的,他有自己的名字。 上帝的道不是一本无生命的书。 上帝的道是耶稣基督, 他比任何双刃剑更锋利。 他知道如何对你的灵魂说话,避开你肉体的耳朵,借你良心的耳朵引导你。 因此,问题是,你是否被圣灵引导? 你是否接受了他的灵,你是否被他的灵所引导,或者你在听互联网上和教会里的各种先知声音? 这是上当受骗和偏离正路最快的方式。 耶稣说,他的羊听他的声音,决不跟随别人。 (约翰福音10章)你是耶稣的羊吗,你在听他的声音吗? 还是你正在被陌生人操纵、欺骗和牵着走? 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

2022年9月13日 Should You Trust Modern Day Prophets and Prophecies?
It is written that we should not just despise prophecies. (1 Thess. 5:20-21) We need to take everything to the LORD. But God is ALIVD and He KNOWS how to confirm His word to you and to me, to anyone who is listening. I have had some very supernatural and incredible encounters with God, where He has revealed His word to me, and then a prophet or a prophetess then spoke it to confirm it to me. When these things happen it makes me very excited, I am very THANKFUL to the GOD that I follow because He is the GOD THAT REVEALS MYSTERIES. But He doesn’t just speak in a way that so elusive that we’re not sure it was Him speaking, or in a way that we can mistake it for a FALSE prophet. (The True God knows How to confirm His word to you) But because a lot of people are not hearing from God for themselves, they cannot distinguish between a false prophet or prophetess and a TRUE prophet or prophetess. That is why when a prophet on the internet says such and such is going to happen, they think it might come true. They’re convinced that the end of the world will be on such and such a date, or the rapture will happen on such and such a date, or a president will become elected on such and such a date… and when these things DON’T COME TO PASS the way the prophet said, everyone looks incredibly FOOLISH. If you don’t want to be deceived by these new FALSE prophecies that are coming out, YOU NEED TO FIX YOUR EYES ON JESUS AND MAKE SURE THAT YOU YOURSELF ARE HEARING FROM THE WORD OF GOD! The Word of God is ALIVE, He has a name. The Word of God is not a dead book. The Word of God is JESUS CHRIST. He is sharper than any double-edged sword. He knows how to speak into your SOUL, thus bypassing your physical ears and directing you by the ears of your conscience. So, the question is, are you led by the Holy Spirit? Have you received His Spirit, and are you being guided by His Spirit or are you listening to all sorts of prophets and prophetesses on the internet and in the churches? That is the quickest way to get yourself deceived and LED ASTRAY. Jesus said His sheep, they hear His voice and they will by no means follow a stranger. (John 10) Are you Jesus’s sheep, do you hear His voice? Or are you being manipulated, fleeced and led along by strangers? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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