Looking for the Water Caves - Medicine Lake Highlands Volcanic Area - Scenic Mt Shasta

2 years ago

I'm searching for the Water Caves in Medicine Lake Highlands Volcanic Area, east of Mt Shasta, California. I saw these caves marked on a map but could not find any other information for them online, so I set out to look for them. I arrived at the likely location at the end of a narrow forest road and found a few small caves but none with water in them, so I doubt I found the actual Water Caves.

"Medicine Lake Highlands is the largest identified volcano (in total area) within California, and is one of the most unique geologic features in North America. Because this subrange of the Cascades is somewhat remote, the fascinating nature of this area is largely unappreciated."
~ from Visitor Guide to the Medicine Lake Highlands Volcanic Area

August 25, 2022

Beyond the story
Beyond belief
Dwells freedom


#LavaCave #Nature #Volcano #MedicineLakeHighlands #ScenicMtShasta

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