The BIGGEST MISTAKE People Make When Trying To LOSE WEIGHT 😥 🍟

2 years ago

A few years ago, I used to be morbidly obese. And the one thing that really helped me lose over a hundred pounds is that I learned how to make better decisions.

In fact, the most successful people in history actually focus on making fewer decisions in their lives. Get paid to make a small number of high-quality choices and decisions.

Your job is not to make thousands of decisions every day. And one of the best books I read on this topic is ''Mindless Eating'' by Brian Wansing.

This is not a nutrition book, but it's more of a psychology book. And what I learned is we make over 200 food-related decisions every day.

What we can do is if we reduce the number of decisions we have to make, meaning we don't even have to think about what we are going to eat in the next meal, everything is planned out, or we limit ourselves to certain food groups that are healthy for us, then automatically we are going to start eating better.

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My name is Anand, and I'm an Entrepreneur of Indian origin living in Silicon Valley, California. I own a Media and Content Marketing Agency called VidGrowth, which specializes in helping Entrepreneurs, Startups, and Small Businesses build their dream business.

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