Quick and Easy Instant Pot Boiled Peanuts

2 years ago

Quick and Easy Instant Pot Boiled Peanuts is a quick recipe to make the traditional southern salty snack. What used to take many hours to make, boiling them in a pot, now can be made in a fraction of the time. You can have an even better-boiled peanut by leveraging the power of a pressure cooker in under an hour and a half.
Boiled peanuts originated in South Carolina so if you are ever in the state and wondering what to eat in South Carolina, boiled peanuts are it. Boiled peanuts are actually the South Carolina State Snack food and are one of South Carolinas best eats!
Boiled peanuts are a super popular snack that is enjoyed by many southerners. You can usually find them at roadside stands, many convenience stores or gas stations, or even the local grocery store.
The traditional way to make them consists of boiling them in a big pot with salted water for many hours. This process takes green peanuts and turns them into a briny soft snack that is simply delicious.
The salty water is what gives them that great flavor that you crave. They are a such delicious snack.
Boiled peanuts are enjoyed year-round, but their popularity increases as summer fades into fall. As the south turns its eyes to football season, this snack really rares its salty head on each game day. They are a true southern delicacy.
If you do not have an instant pot, you are missing out. You can cook so many dishes in it in a fraction of the time.
Looking to buy an Instant Pot? Consider using our Affiliate link: https://amzn.to/3Bjo1tM

Here is where you can find a printable version of this recipe: https://southernfoodjunkie.com/quick-and-easy-instant-pot-boiled-peanuts/

How To Make Them:
Instant Pot or another brand of an electric pressure cooker. You could also use a traditional pressure cooker.
Pyrex Dish

1 pound of green peanuts
1/4 cup salt sea salt or kosher
6-8 cups of cold water use filtered or distilled

Preparing The Peanuts
Before making the peanuts you will want to wash them a few times. Peanuts are similar to potatoes in that they are tubers that grow underground. They may have dirt on them.
I like to fill up my sink, then add the peanuts and wash them around. Drain the water, then do that a few more times. This ensures you get all the dirt off them. Washed peanuts will result in the possible product.

Cooking The Peanuts
Step 1 Combine the peanuts, water, and salt in the pressure cooker.
Step 2 Stir until the salt has dissolved.
Step 3 Add the trivet on top and place a pyrex dish or bowl on top of the trivet.
Step 4 Put the pressure cooker lid on and turn it to lock. Close the pressure relief valve to the sealing position.
Step 5 Use the manual setting on the instant pot and set it to 80 mins.
Step 6 Once the time has run out, allow the instant pot pressure to do a natural pressure release (NAP), basically letting the instant pot do a natural release. At this point, you simply do not do anything.
This will take 20 to 30 minutes to take place. Once the pressure indicator has fallen, it will be ready to open and enjoy.

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