1 Primary cause of shoulder pain. Understand this and YOU can resolve your pain

2 years ago

The biggest culprit in causing shoulder pain is the inability of the head of the arm bone to drop down in the shoulder joint as the arm is raised. This is accomplished primarily by a couple of muscles that make up the rotator cuff. It is a strain of these muscles, not a tear that is responsible for the dysfunction and pain.

In fact, when an MRI identifies a rotator cuff tear, it is the wrong muscle in the group that has nothing to do with the dropping of the head of the arm bone which is necessary for pain-free shoulder motion. This is why this tutorial is critical for anybody having shoulder pain with motion of the joint.

You will see that when getting the right understanding of the muscles involved in shoulder motion and function and how each plays their role, you can properly resolve pain and dysfunction when they arise. In almost every case of pain with raising the arm, it is the person who can resolve the pain and dysfunction by strengthening the appropriate muscles. No medical professional can do this for you.

So watch the video and learn. Take responsibility for your care and your future. God knows, the medical industry would rather you be a patient for life.

If you would like to contact me you can do so by email at: drmitch@mitchellyass.com

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