2 groups and 3 cults

2 years ago

This is the hardest video so far for me. It's very difficult to assign percentages to these demographics. Which explains why I keep changing my mind on the statistics.
The 2 groups are:
1) rationals
2) emotionals (aka irrationals)
The 3 cults are:
1) The left ... a death cult
2) The centrists ... a lobotomy cult
3) The right ... a suicide cult
So what are the percentages for these groups/cults ???
I don't know. The only thing I do know is that if you want civilization and compassion to survive, you have no choice but to become a rational. What is a rational you ask?
A rational person values logic above emotion. Because emotion makes you susceptible to lies, both expressing them and embracing them from others.
Logic forces you accept objective reality. To emotional creatures like humans logic appears cold and cruel, but it isn't, it's pragmatic.
If you want to learn more about rationalism, just watch nature. All living things on earth are rational when compared to the human race. Do yourself a favor, observe plants and animals, and maybe, just maybe, you'll learn from them. I can promise you they have more to teach you than your fellow human.

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