Recording of William Cooper’s live broadcast (June 28, 2001) about the FALSE FLAG

2 years ago

Recording of William Cooper’s live broadcast (June 28, 2001) about the FALSE FLAG event that turned out to be the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Bill was talking about the CNN interview with Osama Bin Laden aired in 1997…

How could CNN find and interview Bin Laden while the Pentagon was unable to find him…?


They can pick us off 1-by-1, or we can RISE TOGETHER and say NO MORE!

The choice is ours.

I’m all in!
Give me liberty or give me death!

Choose your side.
Your actions are your choice, and lack of action = lack of choice = “go with the flow” = stuck in the Matrix when it gets unplugged.

Once you wake up, it’s time to stand up.

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