RT News - September 13th 2022

2 years ago

Authorities in Belgorod call on the residents of two border villages to evacuate, as Ukrainian shells fall on Russian territory, killing one person and wounding four more.
Civilian "collaborators" with Russians and many now holding Russian passports are being murdered, the "lucky ones" are being imprisoned for years.
Many thousands of foreign mercenaries now comprise the Ukrainian forces. Each one earning £1,500 a day which taxpayer's in Britain and the NATO countries pay for. (QueenStreet comment - I object to this vehemently, all of it and so it would seem do 9/10 others in Britain who feel we are being taken for a ride by our governments).
Casualties among military forces of both Azerbaijan and Armenia are reported after an exchange of fire on the border between the two countries shattering the fragile Nagorno Karabakh truce.
With all eyes on Ukraine, locals in Gaza are suffering from the slow reconstruction process, as many fear they will be homeless for years to come.
In Germany and all across Europe, mass protests against their governments, inflation, unpayable rises in energy bills, the supply of arms to Ukraine and to demand the opening of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.
USA will profiteer from the crisis in Europe, with the full compliance of European leaders.

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