Most Complete Off-Grid AirCrete House Building Course Ever

2 years ago

Next AirCrete School Event:

Online Video Course:

Capture Strawman in Trust and Get Secure party Creditor Finished now

Survive & Thrive Video Course:

Law of Attraction and Manifesting Through Your Own Online Business

Build a foam machine and learn to inflate cement to create an insulating structure that is affordable and DIY friendly. This next workshop will be the most complete event anywhere. We will cover plumbing, foundation, monolithic cast AirCrete walls, electric, solar power, water, worm composting flush toilets, how to garden for survival and more.

Online Business, Water, shelter, food, energy, sanitation. With the basics of life provided by you and not the go[d]vernemnt on evil tyrannical corporations you have the power to build the lifestyle you want and to shape the world to be what if should.

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