Should You Date or Focus on Yourself?

2 years ago

Most guys are immature and clueless when it comes to dating women.
As a result, they get attached to the wrong women fast...
But do they really know what they are attracting?
Is their lifestyle really calibrated to the quality of women they want to attract?
Here's my take on whether Should You Date or Focus on Yourself?

I'm Hamza. My purpose in life is to make more men like Adonis.
I make videos on masculinity, success, fitness & mental health, as well as other areas of life that aid you in your journey from Jeffery to Adonis.

I went from being the awkward, skinny fat video gamer in high school to the party kid in university.
I was doing all the bad habits (can you guess what they were?)
Living a life of pleasure had poisonous effects on my mental and physical health.
It took me a while to get on the right track, I had to leave everything behind and start a new life, with a new mission.

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