Right-Winger Complains About IRS On Fox News

2 years ago

Former Representative Tulsi Gabbard is upset about IRS funding and sees it as a threat to small businesses and middle-class workers. The Majority Report crew discusses why targeting the wealthiest 1-2% of taxpayers is important and why conservatives want to defund the IRS as it will hinder government. The MR crew also talks about Gabbard's comments about the IRS being weaponized to target political opponents and the two functions of taxation.

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Let's listen to this right-winger talk about how the IRS it's is really just a bunch of government agents. Right-wing talking point that exists. Now we do know certain things about the IRS we know that as particularly the Republican Party less so the Democratic party although there have probably been some instances where the Republic- the Democrats have shortchanged the IRS. The more the IRS was defunded the more they turned their enforcement apparatus to lower-income people why because lower-income people were- suddenly became the low-hanging fruit instead of going for the biggest apple they went for the ones that were easiest to pick because they didn't have- just to extend this horrible metaphor they didn't have the money to buy ladders to go up and pick the big apples so they just stayed on the ground and picked the low hanging smaller apples...

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