Janet Mabalo Dettle - A FormerFedsGroup Interview

2 years ago

On Nov. 8 we both tested positive. She had a little cough that would not go away. Her breathing got worse, and it was turning into pneumonia. We ended up taking her to the hospital where they admitted her on 11/18. They asked her if she were vaxed and she said no, and they berated her. She said she is not going to take the vaccine, she is not going to be intubated, and they could not believe why she would say that. She said I have seen people on the news, once they get intubated, they die so I will not do that. I refused so they had her sign a DNR so that she would not be intubated. They called me and asked me to change her mind. I asked, “does she need it?” “they said no. I said leave her alone then. They admitted her and a week later I ended up going in because I could not breathe.

Read the rest of this heartbreaking story at https://chbmp.org/cases/murdered-by-mandates/janet-mabalo-dettle/

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