People are Celebrating Trump Supporters being Murdered!

2 years ago

@Anti_NRA on Twitter is happy that someone he labels as a Fascist was murdered. Send him some SHAME!

Update after the video. Here is how our conversation went:

Anti_NRA: What's the matter trumper, you triggered because America doesn't care that someone who spent years acting like the WORST human beings on the planet probably mouthed off to the wrong person?

Tuba Billy: Dude, what is wrong with you? Your giddy that someone was murdered?

A: Correction, a fascist was murdered. lol.

T: You are a sick, twisted individual. For being so anti gun you sure are happy when a gun is used to commit murder against someone you don't even know.

A: What makes you think I’m ant gun?

T: "Anti-NRA" for one
Not really something someone who supports the 2nd Amendment would have as their twitter name. I'm not a NRA member and I think they could do some things better, but I'm not against supporting the 2A.
Tell me why you are pro gun then.

A: I’m not only pro gun, but pro Militia, something insurrectionist fascists are against, because Militias protect freedom, while gun nut fascists don’t like the responsibility to defend this nation against all enemies both foreign and domestic.

T: Ok then, sounds like we have something in common. So what are your thoughts on Biden's attack on 2A?
Still worried about you celebrating someone being murdered.

A: I mean the US has a long celebrated tradition of murdering fascists call it “Heritage not Hate”

T: So you're ok with murdering someone so long as you can label them a fascist?

A: They said he was a Trump supporter, right? That made him a fascist.

T: And your ok with that? I was wrong, we have nothing in common. There's plenty of things I don't agree with Dems about but I never wish them dead. Thats like saying anyone who identifies LGBTQ is a pedophile because some pedofiles use the LGBTQ label. Don't use sweeping statments.

Still waiting his reply...

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