Andrew Torba Promotes Christian Nationalism

2 years ago

Andrew Torba Promotes Christian Nationalism

First published at 04:23 UTC on September 12th, 2022.

#christiannationalism #andrewtorba #alexjones


Alex Jones interviews Andrew Torba of GAB about Christian nationalism. According to Torba, globalists are transhumanists, anti-God, and antichrist because they want to be gods themselves. So they hate the idea of Christian nationalism. They are anti-human, while Christianity is for God and humanity, progress, and prosperity. This is the heritage of early America and much of Christian Europe, and this is the wave of the future. What is important about Andrew Torba is that he has a positive outlook for the future because he knows that Jesus Christ is CURRENTLY the King of Kings. For this reason, Torba is successfully building a better future and advancing Christianity rather than just complaining about evil in the world and prophesying doom. Hopefully, Alex Jones will learn a few things from Torba about being positive and believing in the power of good rather than evil.

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